
Feelings. Everybody has them, but not everybody wants them. Have you ever just wanted to flip the switch? Turn off whatever you’re feeling and just not go back…


“You can close your eyes to the things you don’t want to see, but you can’t close your heart to the things you don’t want to feel.”                                                     -Johnny Depp


Well, I’ve spent most of my life that way. Wishing I could just turn off the way that I feel. Feeling very overwhelmed by my emotions. And like many others in our culture nowadays, I tried to find things to numb, things to distract, and new ways to run away from all of the cluttered mess that is my emotions.

This year instead of trying to pretend that I’m some perfect have it all together robots of a person, who never has a meltdown or cries or gets so excited that she automatically crys out and scares herself. This year I want to embrace the me that is my emotions.

I’m going to stop shaming myself for feeling and find new healthier ways to express the emotions that come up in my life and share them with you.

I’m going to try using my words first. Right now I’m feeling nervous, afraid even. Nervous and slightly afraid that you are going to think that that I’m stupid or that I shouldn’t even be writing this. However, I am also hopeful that maybe this emotional journey will help someone else also become more emotionally healthy.

Today, I’m choosing to let hope win.


Just an INFJ trying to express her emotions.

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